EVE Tweet Fleet
Aethlyn's Quarter

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wonderful: The Eve of the Maelstrom

Are you sick of rehashed (EVE) trailers just with new music being added? I am. Although there are some noble exceptions to this. In particular, I’m talking about this really nice piece of art CCP Manifest tweeted about.

There’s nothing more to say, just watch and enjoy.

The Eve of the Maelstrom (make sure to vote and comment the video on YouTube!)

Too bad the author/uploader didn’t post any EVE name or whatever. Nothing to be ashamed of. I’d even consider this one being of the best player made trailers for the game, ignoring the fact most footage is from official CCP trailers. It’s sitting there for half a year, only about 500 views so far!? Get this guy (or girl?) and their work some more attention!
